Tag in bulk (not the AI Auto Tag that is not reversable)
in progress
Ruben Uzan
It will be so useful to be able to tag in bulk.
Here is a used case.
You go to a networking event, you meet 20 people.
You add them, and then select all of them and add the label "met at Ceasar Palace".
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Matthew Silberman
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Matthew Silberman
Merged in a post:
Add tags en masse
Elena Arida
Mass add tags when you search and select contacts. You can do this to add to a group now. Adding tags would be great.
Matthew Silberman
Merged in a post:
Allow tagging through groups
Tristan Leavitt
It would be great to be able to mass tag through groups or any other filtering.
Delphine Mousseau
Typical usecase for me : "do you know a CEO in Ecommerce in London".
I'd love to put "CEO"... see who are the contacts in my network that have CEO in their card. Then select them one by one, since some are CEO of startups... or assistant to the cEO and add a "tag" "CEO".
Then I can search with the tag CEO and the location London.
Kevin Sun
in progress
We're starting on this, thanks all for your patience
Djungle Studio
absolutely useful!
Soyoung Lee
Yes please!