Select correct information when merging contacts
under review
Ryan Pistorius
Sometimes two versions of a contact (e.g. local and LinkedIn) have different information (e.g. photo, email, etc.). Merging currently replaces one set of information, with no opportunity to choose which information remains.
It would be great if, when merging, any conflicting fields were highlighted (e.g., both photos) and the user was given the opportunity to choose which information to keep in that field for the merged contact.
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Matthew Silberman
under review
Matthew Silberman
Merged in a post:
Merge creates one master title
Lauren Nkuranga
When you merge two or more contacts, all of the non-duplicate title information goes in the title bar to then edit
Matthew Silberman
Merged in a post:
Fix merge for first name last name vs last name, first name
Liz Ruest
When I merge, using the first name as the base, the merged name becomes first name first name. Wrong!
Matthew Silberman
Merged in a post:
First Name Merge
Charlie Boles
When you merge a named contact + an email contact, the merged contact takes the email address as the first name
Matthew Silberman
Merged in a post:
Choose Contact Photo
Keji Xu
For contacts which we connect insta, fb, and linkedin - I would like to choose which photo to use
Matthew Silberman
Joerg Sauer
Names getting messed up is my biggest issue: M Nur Fabri Prastio becomes M Nur
Add this option when merging contacts
Feedback from user: Perhaps a way to do it is if we "star" the main contact card or bake some sort of priority based on the medium.
Ryan Pistorius
CJ, I agree generally, but I’d love for it to be field by field. For example, keep the new photo from Facebook, the job title from LinkedIn, and the phone number from my personal contact card.
Prioritizing one medium over the others risks replacing good information with inferior information, especially given that different contacts may be inconsistent in how they use LinkedIn / Facebook / etc.
Glenn Grant
Please! This is such a critical flaw in Dex and so many other personal/CRM's like it. We need to be able to trust our data isn't going to be corrupted.. and the simplest way to do that is to put a human (us) in the loop to confirm.
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