Search needs better results and MUCH better performance
Sergei Sorokin
The performance, quality, and usability of Search is atrocious. This should be table stakes for a professional CRM software, but let me spell it out:
- Search popout should return all results (or have a "view more" link to indicate there are more than shown)
- Search results should show the closest matches, not a random sampling of matches. Searching for "Michael" sometimes shows Mike's even when more Michael's are available.
- Searching for "Michael S" should show everyone named Michael S*, and not a random selection of Michaels. Today, I need to use exact matches in many of my searches.
- Each search should be instant or near instant. Today, typing anything in the search box is at least a 5 second wait. This performance is just unacceptable and unusable.
- I should not need to search for exact matches when using features like add to group, merge contacts, or related contacts.
- Searching for just a common name like "Brian" times out and breaks the app. This should never happen, my contact list is small.
Given Searching is a daily use feature, these performance and quality issues add up to a poor experience very quickly. I highly recommend the team focus on performance and quality of the existing functionality before adding more features to the product.
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Feature request: option to do "Exact" and "Contacts" matches.
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Matthew Silberman
under review
Matthew Silberman
Merged in a post:
WebUI not well oiled
- Search for contacts is patching. Returns are a hit and miss, depending on the length of the first name and whether there are existing matches
- "Open in Maps" link in location only appears after a blank location field has been populated and even so, it takes awhile for the hyperlink to show up
Matthew Silberman
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Smarter sorting of search results
Adam Herscher
When I add a contact to a note and start typing in a name like “Mike”, the list of matching contacts appears random. This creates friction in my most used flow, as I’m constantly scanning a randomly sorted list of matching contacts. Instead, I’d suggest sorting my frequency of contact - similar to how when you type Mike into Gmail it should suggest you the Mike(s) you communicate with most often highest in the list.
Matthew Silberman
Merged in a post:
Search lags and breaks the app
Andrew D
Cannot lookup notes
Matthew Silberman
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Search priorizes non-accent characters
Sebastian Delmont
If I search for "Jose", the results do include matches for "José" but they come all the way in the bottom, after all the plain "Jose" contacts.
This is not the right way to handle accented characters.
Search should treat accented and unaccented characters as equivalent and result ordering should be indifferent to accents and diacritical marks.
Matthew Silberman
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Search breaks with multiple middle names or last names
Sebastian Delmont
If I search for "Ann Smith", results should include a contact named "Ann Marie Smith". They currently do not.
Results in fact seem to sometimes include all the Smiths, ignoring first name.
I have to search for the full name to get the contact I want. This is bad, because often my contacts will have a full, long name (like the one they use in LinkedIn), but I want to find them by a shorter version.
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