Quick Action - Undo Shortcut Key
Joël Hainzl
I would find it very useful in the quick actions' menu to be able to undo the last action, especially undoing the “archive contact” function. A keyboard shortcut like CMD + Z would be great.
During the process of sorting my contacts, I often had to go to the archived contacts view and search by the name of the just archived person. On top of that, it would be useful, if it there would be the possibility to sort the archived contacts view by "date archived".
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Kevin Sun
This is bound to the 'Z' key during the quick action game!
Andy Murray
Also the [Add] word for items like add an email is directly above the delete basket, and I've accidentally clicked the basket rather than the word stupidly thinking the 2 are the same feature (brain not in gear)
Kevin Sun
Kevin Sun
Merged in a post:
Add 'Undo' to QuickGame on Web
Erik Jan
Add 'Undo' to QuickGame on Web. If you accidentally get it wrong in the QuickGame there is no way to easily undo the change you made.
Kevin Sun
Merged in a post:
Undo button in game mode
Todd Medema
Sometimes when I'm cruising through new contacts to process in game mode, I realize I made a mistake in categorizing the previous contact. A gmail-like "undo previous action" toast & keyboard shortcut would be awesome
Robert Failla
I haven't found Game mode yet, but undo is, the electronic eraser, is good in all situations.
Kevin Sun
Greg Albrecht also mentioned this. I think it's a good idea! Will see what I can do here.