Find on LinkedIn Automatically / automatic LinkedIn Lookup
under review
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Matthew Silberman
under review
Matthew Silberman
Hi CJ, thanks for submitting this! To clarify, would this be an improvement to the current "Enhance" feature on contact pages that allows you to search for the contact on LinkedIn with one click?
Matthew Silberman It's for searching contacts in LinkedIn. Right now, if a user creates a contact with no LinkedIn social link saved, users have to click on the 'Search on LinkedIn' button to link it to the LinkedIn profile. The ask here is to automate that process so all created/imported contacts are automatically linked to their LinkedIn profile if the system could find a matching profile.
Matthew Silberman
Understood, thank you, CJ!
Would love a smart AI feature that tries to match unlinked emails with Linkedin names based on % match of the name
Mamta Valderrama
Is this the same thing as automated real time sync and/or user-enabled sync?