"Description" and "Notes" box scrolling
under review
Andy Weyer
I take notes in the "Description" box. When my notes exceed 11 lines, the view defaults to the top of the "Description" box such that I can't see what I'm typing past 11 lines. Any time I scroll down and start typing again, it scrolls back to the top -- making it virtually impossible to take notes this way. BTW - Same problem with the "Notes" box.
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Tracey Virtue
100% Need ability to resize the Notes field or Description field.
Matthew Silberman
under review
Yuval passov
so true !! very annoying
Matthew Silberman
Merged in a post:
Ability to see the scroll of the Description
Edgar Colombier
Currently, it's not obvious to see that you can scroll the Description section.
Matthew Silberman
Thanks for catching and reporting this, Andy Weyer. Our top engineering priority in 2025 is eliminating bugs like this, so we'll fix this ASAP. I'll let you know as soon as we do! -Matt