Daily review dashboard
in progress
Lauren Nkuranga
Daily dashboard that reminds you to input interactions from the day before. I'd want to visit this page each morning to put in people I saw say, at a networking event the night before, etc.
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Kevin Sun
in progress
Matthew Silberman
under review
Reminders + Keep in touch gets lost when I'm not on top of them. should be a better layout. Maybe like this?
Gonçalo Torgal
It would be nice to also have in view the people we marked as keep-in-touch, that we should reach out today, this week, or that we missed last week
+1 for recent events. I often dont file notes until a day or two later and would love to see recent events as a call to action
Alex Hulbert
I think it would be good to have an option to show the week ahead or month ahead.
Emmanuel User
In the dashboard, it would be good to have also some generic stats such as average number of people we have been in touch during a period (week/month/quarter...).
Kevin Sun
We're working on something here to add interactions from the current day's calendar events; stay tuned!
Kevin Sun
in progress