Advanced search / filters (multiple groups, by date, etc)
Kevin Sun
Be able to search /filter contacts with multiple filters (name, email, etc date, location, groups) and combine these searches.
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Kevin Sun
Combined with our recent filters on companies and education, I'm making this request as done! I'll create another set of feature request for filters on custom fields, boolean logic, and description
Paul McGregor
Yes! I would love to be able to create a list of people who work in government... If I could search by whether their email includes "govt" then I would get an amazing list.
Sascha Mombartz
create a view that allows to search/filter for words in the description of a contact.
Danilo Bueno
Be possible to filter or create some lists that will be automated filled based in some criteria. Consider custom fields as well.
Johan de Beurs
Keen to see this. Want to create views that use nested boolean logic i.e., (A and B) or (C and not D). Also want to be able to chain views e.g., all CxOs/decision makers, then within this all who are interested in a particular topic
Lukas Kemkes
Looking forward to this, Kevin! Would love to use this to create lists with all people I had calls with in 2023, 2022, etc.
Ahmed Naeem
Yes as well as by date. If i d like to remember interactions on a particular day eg who i called last Monday etc should be able to see on a search or calendar view
Fabian Bader
It seems that it is currently not possible to search e.g. for Twitter names.
Could you please also expand the search capability to all fields within a contact?
Keith Pieper
I am unable to find matches because the search is case sensitive.
Denis Efremov
I am getting back to the question of selecting personal CRM again and this is in fact the feature I need the most in it. Any updates on timing of when this feature may go live?
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